Will getting a dog ruin my garden and lawn?

Dogs can potentially damage your grass, especially if they spend a lot of time in one area. Urine and feces can cause discoloration and dead patches in the grass, and excessive digging and running can also create bare spots and uproot the grass. However, there are ways to minimize the damage caused by dogs:

  1. Train your dog to use a designated area of the garden for their bathroom needs.
  2. Dilute your dog’s urine with water by hosing down the area immediately after your dog goes potty.
  3. Provide your dog with plenty of exercise and toys to reduce their desire to dig and run excessively in the yard.
  4. Plant grass varieties that are more tolerant to dog urine, such as dwarf Rye or fescue.
  5. Consider creating a designated play area for your dog that is covered with mulch or gravel instead of grass.

By taking these steps, you can reduce the damage that your dog may cause to your grass while still allowing them to enjoy your garden.


Getting a dog may cause some damage to your lawn, but it does not necessarily mean that your lawn will be ruined. Dogs can cause damage to grass through their urine, faeces, and their physical activity on the lawn. However, the extent of the damage depends on various factors, such as the size and breed of the dog, the type of grass, and the level of care given to the lawn.

One way to prevent or minimize damage to your lawn is to train your dog to use aa specific area for their potty needs. You can also water the area with a hose after your dog has finished to dilute the urine and prevent it from causing damage. Regularly cleaning up your dog’s faeces will also help prevent damage and maintain the appearance of your lawn.

Additionally, choosing a grass variety that is more resilient and suitable for high traffic areas may also help reduce damage caused by your dog. Consulting with a lawn care specialist can provide recommendations for the best grass variety for your lawn. 

One way to prevent your dog from damaging your garden is to train them not to dig or chew on plants. Providing your dog with toys and designated play areas can also redirect their attention and prevent them from causing damage to your garden. You can also create barriers around your garden or use fencing to prevent your dog from accessing certain areas.

Another way to minimize damage to your garden is to choose plants that are more resistant to damage from dogs. Plants with thicker foliage, such as lavender or rosemary, are often more resilient and less attractive to dogs. You can also consider planting in raised beds or containers to keep your plants out of reach.

Overall, while getting a dog can potentially cause damage to your garden and lawn, it does not necessarily mean that it will be ruined. Proper training, selecting the right plants, grasses and creating barriers can all help prevent or minimize any damage caused by your furry friend. While owning a dog may cause some damage to your garden and lawn, it does not necessarily mean that it will be ruined.

Learn why your dogs leave dead areas by clicking below


If you have a question about anything mentioned, or would like some help with your lawn, please contact us via phone or email.